Seasonal Pest Control: What You Should Know

Marcela OteroApr 17, 2017

Though most people generally only think of pest control during the warmer months, when swarms of insects attempt to invade their homes and yards, pests know no season. 

There is a natural ebb and flow to insect life, but the most important factor is temperature.

In the weeks leading up to fall and winter, many insects search for a place to overwinter. Roof eaves, paneling, and other structural parts of the house can provide excellent, protected spots.

Quick thaws and mild winters can also help push bugs out of the soil and into the home. However, there are pests that are more prevalent during different times of the year across the various regions of the United States.

The key to preventing infestations is preparing the residence and adjacent areas for when these pests come calling. 

Periodic and seasonal maintenance can make a huge difference when battling swarms of insects or groups of mice looking to settle in a suitable space.

Year Long Pest Prevention 

Some particularly resilient pests are always prevalent, no matter the season. These include cockroaches, bedbugs, ants, and termites, which, although they thrive during the spring, can be present in homes all year round. 

If customers suspect that these pests have established a presence in their homes, they should contact a pest control company immediately. Having a specialist deal with the threat quickly minimizes the chance an infestation can spread and cause further damage.

Additionally, hiring a pest control professional can help eliminate these invaders in an appropriate manner. Homeowners trying to get rid of an infestation without assistance can confront all sorts of problems, assume unnecessary risks and can end up making the problem worse. 

If safety measures and guidelines are not followed properly, they could suffer bodily harm or cause damage to the property.

Many of the pests mentioned can be kept at bay by employing preventive measures throughout the year focused on sanitation and exclusion. This will make it easier to focus on seasonal strategies for combating these nuisances.

Spring Pest Prevention 

Springtime is the period during which insects and other pests are hard at work attempting to rebuild their populations, which means that pest control should focus on controlling and reducing reproductive cycles.

In particular, swarms of flying termites can be seen all over the U.S. looking for new areas to establish their own colonies. At the same time, mosquito, rodent, flea, tick, and fly populations grow considerably across the country, but there are also some specific regional pests.

Southeast - Palmetto bugs, subterranean termites, fire ants, crazy ants, Caribbean crazy ants, Argentine ants

Southwest - Spiders, termites, bed bugs

Midwest - Ticks, boxelder bugs, moths, cockroaches, carpenter ants, termite swarms

West - Earwigs, ground squirrels, house flies, fungus gnats, earwigs, ants, bed bugs, carpenter ants

Northeast - Centipedes, millipedes, pill bugs, sow bugs, earwigs, carpenter ants, termites

Spring cleaning is a way to eliminate potential infestation hotspots, particularly for crawling insects that can set up camp in dusty piles or old boxes. 

Minimize clutter to remove possible hiding places for rodents. If a roof or a faucet is leaking, fix it early to reduce areas of accumulated moisture that can become hubs for cockroaches.

Summer Pest Prevention

Insect and pest populations that have grown their populations during the spring eat voraciously in the warm summer months. 

We see them more because they can move faster in the heat, and are therefore less afraid of predators. Generally speaking, stinging insects such as bees, hornets, and wasps can be found all over the United States.

Southeast - Flies, spiders, rodents, termite ants (especially fire ants), fleas, ticks

Southwest - Flies, ants, cockroaches, scorpions, moles, mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, spiders,

Midwest - Carpenter ant swarms, carpenter bees, yellow jackets, spiders, fleas, ticks

West - Termites, cockroaches, moles, ants, house flies, fruit flies, spiders

Northeast - Carpenter bees, yellow jackets, fleas, cluster flies and ticks

This is the time to treat the landscape and harborage areas that pests prefer. Prune and trim overgrown trees and shrubs. Rake any accumulation of leaves and debris. Eliminate any standing water, so as to deny mosquitos a breeding ground. 

During summertime, people are more inclined to go outside and take advantage of the favorable weather. Barbecues, picnics, and other activities tend to leave trails of food that attract pests. Picking up trash and cleaning the area will go a long way towards keeping pests away.

Fall Pest Prevention

The beginning of the cooler autumn months see young insects maturing and all pests seeking refuge for the winter, as well as building up their reserves. 

Homes become desirable shelter. Independently of the region of the U.S. in which you live, rodents and cockroaches seeking warmth - as well as insects needing a place to spend the winter - will be a fall problem.

Southeast - Kudzu bugs, stink bugs, spiders, crickets, cockroaches (Americans, smoky browns), fleas, ants (especially fire ants), termites

Southwest - Scorpions, moles, bees, wasps, hornets

Midwest - Boxelders, rodents, cluster flies, some mosquitoes

West - Rodents, crickets, spiders, bees, hornets, wasps

Northeast - Crickets, boxelder bugs, earwigs

Much like humans, rodents and other mammals will look for warmth and shelter as the weather cools during fall and winter months. 

These harmful pests seek indoor refuge and will often chew through wood, metal, and even electrical wiring to do so. Store food in clean containers and keep them out of reach. Check crawl spaces, floorboards, and other possible hiding areas. 

Build barriers and seal up any potential entry points with caulk or other types of sealants. Any clogs in kitchen or bathroom pipes should be taken care of to avoid leakage.

Winter Pest Prevention

During the cold months, many insects overwinter indoors and reserve energy in order to increase their chances of surviving in the spring. 

Other pests, like rodents, may attempt to make their way into your home as an ideal retreat from harsh outside temperatures.

The pests that are most likely to invade your home are the same across all regions of the United States: rodents, fleas, ticks, crickets, spiders, cockroaches, bedbugs, winged carpenter ants (their presence is an almost certain indication there’s a nest nearby), cluster, fruit, and moth flies. 

Additionally, some regions are prone to specific pest threats.

Southeast - Argentine ants, American cockroaches, termites

Southwest - Boxelder bugs, voles

During the winter months, most animals will remain dormant or inactive while they’re outside. But if these critters have made their way inside, they could still wreak havoc when the temperature drops. 

Make sure screens are secured and fixed, particularly in chimneys. Firewood piles should be stored at a distance from the house, as they can become nests for termites and rodents. 

Maintain basements, cellars, and attics dry and properly ventilated to avoid moisture build up.

By following these preventive measures, you can do your part in decreasing the likelihood of an infestation. 

Still, finding pests in your home can be a stressful situation, especially when no matter what you do, they don’t seem to go away.

 In that case, it’s always best to seek professional help and leave the eradication to the pest control experts. 

A good place to start is by looking at our top ten pest control companies of the year list.